Friday, September 4, 2020

Aspie vs Autie

So I ran across someone recently who was talking about the term "aspie" (as well as terms of "function" that I hate and have talked about before). It was new to me! 
I will admit that when it comes to "community", I don't necessarily participate in a lot of online communities (or offline tbh). I just don't have the time or energy for all that. But I have read and followed several autism related online blogs and pages and I still had never come across anyone who mentioned this.

When I was diagnosed, it hadn't been that long since the medical community removed the aspie label and just went with autism spectrum across the board. A lot of the communities/people I followed were rather attached to the aspie/asperger title, saying that it fit our profile better or more specifically than an autism one and I agreed with that. But I'm starting to wonder what that actually meant. 

Put simply, if we look into the actual origin of the Aspergers name, Hans Asperger himself, things look very different. From what I've now learned, Hans worked with the Na*is in Germany and he had discovered some people were "special" in certain ways, and while others were disabled (and killed), these "special" ones were beneficial, basically, to the cause, and should be preserved. So basically, this is the whole high functioning and low functioning thing, low functioning meant you didn't deserve to live, and high functioning meant you had some value and could be used to help the cause (which at the time was ww2).
Basically if you were disabled, you were killed for it because you were weak, unless you fit this certain profile. 
He also said girls couldn't have autism, but I did pass that off to the fact that it was a "new" thing they were learning and so I don't expect him to have gotten it all right the first time. However, the prevalence of thinking that women don't have autism still lingers over the medical community, to the extent that both professionals and parents alike will blow off obvious signs because they don't look like the popular, autism speaks boy centered style symptoms. Girls go untreated, and end up diagnosed with other things (bipolar seems to be the most common that I've heard women say they were diagnosed with before they were finally diagnosed with autism).  But I digress...

Asperger was a horrible person, basically only saving people who had financial value, for the cause. He may have stumbled upon something that we do find critical to our lives today, but he wasn't doing it for the good of people, he was doing it to further the na*i cause. 

So. The whole thing is wrapped up in the eugenics of killing children who don't have value to society. It's things we actually still do, by "providing" testing ahead of time to see if the baby has this or that genetic disorder, so you can decide to abort your baby if you think their life is going to alter yours too much or something. Its eugenics. 

So anyway, I just wanted to make an actual post. I should and could probably write something about the pandemic we're all going thru right now. But that's definitely for another time. How you all doing?

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