Sunday, December 9, 2012

Another Holiday Post/Blog Referral

Let's move some traffic over to Aspie Writer again. This post she wrote, also on gift giving, is exactly how I feel. And yet, somehow I feel as if there's still something wrong with me, as if I have a choice whether or not to feel this way, as if I should "just relax" or something. It isn't about relaxing, or not being relaxed, it is about the fact that I know me and what I want more than anyone else, and there isn't anything wrong with that. Honestly, to me, surprising me with a gift I actually want gives me more pleasure than something I don't want or care about. This should be an easy choice then.

I think I am probably better off than some people. I can "make do" with things I am given, and there are some things (like Christmas ornaments for example) that generally don't have any negative effect on me even if I haven't said I wanted one. There are those general things that don't matter to me. ;P

But there are other things where I won't compromise. For example, if I want something in a certain color, don't try to pull a fast one by buying something similar in a different brand or color. It won't work, and it will likely get purged (I'm a purger, if I don't use it, it goes).

Anyway, great post again aspiewriter. :) Keep it up!

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