Sunday, October 6, 2013


I dislike fall. Although I do enjoy the colors, they are far too fleeting.

That got me thinking about life in general. My son is going to be 7 in just under 2 months. My youngest is 3 1/2 months. Time flies, just like everyone said it would. I can't believe I have a big kid, one who is clearly not a baby anymore. I cherish every moment of snuggles and the times he needs me but those times are fewer and farther between than they used to be. I guess that is probably a good thing since we have the new baby, and I can only imagine how overwhelmed I would be if he needed me as much as he used to. Unfortunately, he does still need me, and sometimes I'm too busy with the baby to be able to take care of those needs immediately. It is frustrating to try to balance, and I can see his little broken heart those times that I "let him down" by not being able to help. In all honesty, I have been helping him with things that he doesn't really need help with, but it was easier to help him than to fight with him about doing it on his own. So all in all, this is good for him to learn to do these simple things on his own. I try to help him out with other things.

Anyway the point of this is that change is hard. Whether it is your kids growing up and not needing you as much anymore, or the sadness is another summer over, and the leaves dropping so quickly leaving woods that look more like skeletons than living things... it is depressing and hard to adjust to. Everyone says how pretty fall is, and it is, but only for a couple weeks. By the time we are more prepared to go check out fall scenes, its past the peak, and we have to try to get to those areas that haven't hit peak yet. Then it is over, and all thats left is brown brown brown. Most everything is wet in the fall, and rotting away. The sun (oh the sun!) is moving south, and spending more time hiding behind the large trees to the south of me. I miss the sunlight brightening up our whole house! Maybe we will actually have it logged a bit this year finally, and maybe that will unblock some of the sunshine. 

So today, on a cloudy, rainy, cold and wet day, I asked him what he wanted to do today, and he said he wanted to just watch movies all day. I don't love the idea, but you know what? Sometimes a boy just has to be able to do what he wants to do. I will do the chores today and not ask him to do his. I won't make him brush his teeth or get dressed. (If he wants to do it, I won't stop him either!) I'll just let him have a day totally off from doing what I think he should be doing. I'm actually hoping at some point he will want to play a game because I'm up for that. Right now he is watching Mary Poppins while reading/looking at a book. He needs a day off, just like everyone else right? 

Anyway. Just had to post. 7400 views on this blog. I'm grateful for any followers and the people who visit my blog. It isn't an awesome, earth-shattering blog, but I'd like to think that I am helping somehow.

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